What is 'Wa Wui'?

Our mission: 
To provide, maintain, and improve the SARA Park facility for education, celebration, and physical wellness with the purpose of community involvement.

'Wa Wui' is native for meeting place by the water.
That is what we aim to be, the communitys' meeting place.

At Wa Wui we strive to provide, maintain, and improve the SARA Park facility for education, celebration, and physical wellness with the purpose of community involvement.

SARA Park Recreational Renovation Project

3 Year - 5 Million Dollar Goal

From the ice rink to the bingo hall, Wa Wui is kicking off a fundraising initiative to help with renovations at SARA Park. Funds will help create a more efficient and updated facility for all those that currently utilize the SARA Park Recreational Area, as well as creating a space for new recreational opportunities. 

Plans include interior and exterior building improvements, ice facilitation, seating & electrical updates.

Help us fund the updates & upgrades to our community building!

50k+ Jackpot

B: 15,000+

I: 10,000-14,999

N: 5,000-9,999

G: 1,000-4,999

O: 1-999